Dependable Comfort recommends the Guardian Air because it does not need the pollutants to travel to the air handler for UV treatment or filtration. Guardian Air is proactive and sends ionized aggressive advanced oxidizers into the room to destroy the pollutants at the source, in the air and on surfaces, before they can reach your family, clients or employees.
RGF first developed its Advanced Oxidation Technology over 20 years ago. Over 1 million RGF Cells are in use around the world. The Guardian Air is used by many Fortune 500 companies, the US Government, cruise ships, hospitals, nursing homes, schools, commercial buildings and homes across the world. The Guardian Air has been approved by the EPA, USDA, FDA and US Government.
The Guardian Air is installed as part of your home's central heating and cooling system.completely out of your way and out-of-sight. That means each and every time your system runs, the Guardian Air produces naturally occuring oxidizers that travel through the conditioned air space in your home or office and kills bacteria, viruses, mold, gases and odors.COMPARISONS TO UV LIGHT TECHNOLOGY AND WHOLE HOME AIR CLEANERS
The main difference with UV light systems and whole-home air cleaners is that they are passive systems. The germs and particulates have to make it to those systems in order for them to work. How does that protect you from somebody coughing or sneezing in a room. How does that protect you if the germs attach themselves to an object like a cup or another person? The Guardian Air is an active system. It generates oxidizers that travel through the conditioned building space and proactively kill germs before they have a chance to spread. For example, in an independent sneeze test, the Guardian Air was proven to kill 78% of bacteria within three feet of the sneeze. The bacteria was killed before it had a chance to infect somebody else.